On this Friday before Passover, around 2000 years ago, Jesus did the work to deliver us from evil, to deliver us from the power of sin, death, and the devil. He went to the cross for you! On this night we walk through the Passion account as we remember the work that Jesus did for each of us on the cross.
In this Lenten season we have considered all the works of our Lord’s hand contrasted with the works of our hands. His hands created us. At His hands, the devil and his demons are defeated and put in their place. His are the careful, gentle yet strong hands of a Great Physician bringing healing not only of sickness and injury but the ultimate healing of raising us from death itself. To this day the hand of the Lord cares for us and feeds us with spiritual nourishment and life. How different are the works of our hands, unable to grasp what we need the most: the help and mercy and grace of God. In the most mysterious way, it was our hands that nailed His hands to the cross, and it was our sin that caused His grief, sorrow, and bitter suffering and death. Yet in those nail-pierced hands was the power to take our sin away and give into our hands forgiveness, life, and salvation. We caused His death. His death gives us life. Without His death, today there can be no Easter resurrection. It all comes down to this: Christ crucified for the life of the world. Without His death there can be no salvation. Let us contemplate His death at our hands that we may receive eternal life from His hands.